donderdag 24 april 2008

Sluit Guantánamo Bay

"If it were up to me, I would close Guantánamo not tomorrow, but this afternoon... Essentially, we have shaken the belief that the world had in America's justice system... And it's causing us far more damage than any good we get from it."

Former US Secretary of State Colin Powell, 10 juli 2007

Amnesty International voert campagne tegen mensenrechtenschendingen in de strijd tegen terreur. Van januari tot juni 2008 staan "illegale gevangenissen" centraal in hun campagne, Stop Terreur Met Recht.

Eén van de bekendste voorbeelden daarvan is Guantánamo Bay.

Zet je handtekening onder het actieplan voor de sluiting van Guantánamo Bay op Tot zover werden meer dan 127.000 handtekeningen verzameld.

Dit is de tekst die je ondertekent:

"I sign up to Amnesty International’s framework for ending US illegal detention, the first step of which is closing Guantánamo in a way that respects the rights of detainees.
The US government must also end the practice of enforced disappearance, secret  transfer of detainees to locations where they may face torture and other ill-treatment and indefinite detention without charge."

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